Lecithin/Lecithins-All information about the effect, production and side effects

Lecithin, An essential natural component generated by the human body itself, is found in high concentrations in organs such as the liver, brain, heart, lungs and muscles. As soon as with foodCholin, A B vitamin, is ingested, our body largely converts this intoLecithinOne. This contributes to strong cell binding, improved brain function and a healthy metabolism, with the liver as a camp for theLecithin fungiert. A waningLecithin-- Memory can cause tiredness and concentration problems and, in the worst case, can cause liver damage.

In LecithinExistingPhospholipidsImprove the digestibility of fats, reduce liver fat and contribute to lowering cholesterol levels. They also promote the regeneration of liver cells and contain naturalCholineWhich is vital to our nervous system. LecithinAs a dietary supplement, it is particularly recommended if the body forms more cells or if its own lecithin production is impaired, which is often the case during pregnancy or during wound healing processes.

Important for cell formation isLecithinAlso found in plant products. Known sources forLecithinAre eggs or milk. Sodium lecithinAs well as variants from sunflower or rapeseed differ in their composition, are vegan and free of cholesterol and gluten. In food becomesLecithinUsually declared as “E322” and is found in bread, baked goods, chocolate, sauces, foams, waffles and many other products. Thanks to its emulsified properties, it canSoy lecithin, sunflower lecithin or rapeseed lecithinEffectively combining fat and water, improves cooking and baking properties and ensures a homogeneous mixture of all ingredients.

Also shows in personal careLecithinIts effect. By addingSoy lecithin, sunflower lecithin or rapeseed lecithinGlycolipids are formed, which promote the absorption of nutrients through the skin.

As an essential cell building block for living things and as an ingredient that reduces the tension between water-and fat-soluble substances in food preparation, isLecithinOf great importance. LecithinCan not only be consumed pure every day, but can also be combined with other foods such as smoothies, muesli, bread dough or soups. The various health benefits ofLecithin im Fokus. A coated teaspoon per day covers about 10% of the average daily requirement of fat, with the fat-loving portion of the phospholipid consisting of linoleic acid, which the human or animal body cannot produce on its own.

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