Asian wok with runner beans, zucchini, mie noodles and rapeseed lecithin

What function does rapeseed lecithin have in the wok pan?

Ingredients for 4 persons:
1 red onion
1 Pepperoni
1 tbsp coconut oil
250gr Zucchini
250gr Brechbohnen
150ml coconut milk
250gr Mie Nudeln

1 EL Thai Curry
1 TL Pfeffer
1/2 tsp salt

Heat the coconut oil in the wok pan over low heat, add the onions and pepperoni and fry until translucent. Then add the vegetables and fry briefly for 3 minutes. Now add all remaining ingredients and spices and cook for another 7 minutes with the lid closed.

The rapeseed lecithin is available in our shop:

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